We continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to proactively ensure our patients and workforce remain safe and protected by screening anyone who enters the building. We inquire about recent travel history, exposure, previous COVID-19 testing, and whether any of the following symptoms are present:
- Fever greater than 100.4º F/38º C
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
What patients and caregivers need to know before they arrive:
Covid-19 is a serious condition and we ask for your honesty. If there is a potential that you could be a carrier of the virus, or have been exposed, we will happily reschedule you, after it is certain that you are healthy.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted at the front door by a staff member for check-in.
Check-in process:
- Each person entering the office will have their temperature taken by a staff member.
- Each person will be screened, questions about travel, exposure, COVID-19 testing, and any current symptoms.
- As recommended by the New Mexico Department of Health, anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be advised to seek testing for COVID-19 from their medical provider.
- Patients will be asked to wash their hands once in the office.
- Please be prepared to wear your own mask upon entry to our facility.
For the time being, our waiting room is limited to 25% capacity. When you enter the office, you will be escorted either to your treatment room or exam room.
Visitor restrictions:
We no longer allow visitors.
Under special circumstances a single adult visitor may be aloud to accompany a patient.
Limited exceptions for outpatient care include: Adult patients with neurocognitive issues and/or who are unable to consent for themselves.
We know the important role that support systems play in our patients’ lives. Loved ones are an integral part of the care team. That is why we are committed to ensuring additional support during this time.
Faster medication pickup
Our outpatient pharmacy team has a new processes to help our patients and ensure we’re limiting the number of people who come into the building.
For patients and visitors who aren’t allowed inside, the pharmacy now offers curbside medication pickup at the main entrance.
Additional precautions
To further protect our patients during the pandemic, we recommend the following measures for both our patients and our staff members:
- Limit work meetings and social gatherings. Events intended for large audiences should be canceled or postponed.
- Cancel all business travel, domestic and international.
- Cancel all volunteer shifts. All SJOA volunteer shifts are canceled until further notice.
In addition, our staff will not participate in community relations or health related events, such as health fairs during the pandemic.
We care about the safety of our patients and staff, please call our office if you have additional questions or need assistance at 505-564-6850.